Taking a year off is getting closer to being a reality. i have set a date to leave my job and started putting together an itinerary and a plan for things I need to do to make it a reality.
Last Day at work: August 2,2019
Itinerary (Loose): Leave for Astana, Kazakhstan mid-late August 2019. Travel from Astana to Almaty via train. From Almaty, travel overland into Kyrgyzstan with plans to visit Karakol and Bishkek and possibly Osh. From Kyrgyzstan to Uzbekistan. Must see places in Uzbekistan are Tashkent (capital and the subway) then to Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva. To exit Uzbekistan, I could possibly fly from Tashkent or take the train into western Kazakhstan. The train would take me through Nukus and an important art museum. Exiting into Kazakhstan to the city of Aktau. From Aktau, I would cross the Caspian to Baku by either sea or fly.
Baku is the capital of Azerbaijan. From Azerbaijan, I would continue on to Georgia and Armenia. Ultimately, I plan to be in Istanbul by October 12, 2019. I will Spend a week in Istanbul with Tanya. She will fly back on October 19, and I will continue on. At this point in the trip, the schedule becomes murkier. As the weather will be getting colder, I will probably want to stay closer to the Mediterranean and possibly head to the Middle East or Africa. If the weather is warmer, I could stay in the Balkans or Europe. I plan to head back to the US for Christmas.
Shortly after the new year, Tanya and I will head to Southeast Asia for six months.
As for the ever growing to-do list:
Taxes: 3/15/19
Fix Computer: 3/30/19. Done 2/28/19
Apply for at least one new credit card. Done, but let’s keep going. Scam the system
Sell 209B: listed today.
Finalize packing list: 7/1/19
Buy plane ticket: 6/5/19. Done 3/15/19
Book Istanbul: 6/5/19
Book Hotel in Astana: 6/5/19
Apply for Uzbek Visa: 7/1/19
Apply for Azeri evisa: 8/1/19
Apply for Turkey visas: 8/1/19
Mail service: 5/1/19
House sitter: 6/1/19
Resign from Rimkus: 6/1/19
141: Finalize deal with Brady and Lydia. They are staying. We gave them a $50/month rent reduction in exchange for their managing it themselves. Need to work on the details.
Learn Russian: started Pimsleur and it will be ongoing.
Research travel insurance
Fix kitchen sink
Finish downstairs room